

Price (including VAT):0.00€
Shipping:0.00 €
Sum:0.00 €

Payment info

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Shipping information

Data of the person for whom the flowers are

Additional information


Contact telephone number of the person to whom the flowers are delivered. If possible, you are free to enter more than one phone number through which we can call the recipient, if necessary.

The order will be delivered to the customer's address the next day from the day of the order and is valid for all cities, except for:
Pljevlja and Mojkovac - delivery: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Berane and Rožaje - delivery: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Plav, Andrijevica and Gusinje - delivery: Thursday
For the mentioned cities, the order must be concluded the day before.
Shipping costs: €4.

Write the message that will be printed and delivered with the bouquet (maximum 150 letters)

Your order

Product Quantity Sum
Price (including VAT) 0.00€
Shipping 0.00 €
Sum 0.00 €